Refund Policy Subscription Refund Policy

At, we are committed to providing our subscribers with valuable savings and benefits. If you wish to cancel your subscription or request a refund, please review our policy below.

How to Cancel Your Subscription

You may cancel your subscription at any time using the following methods:

  • 1. By logging into your account and navigating to the Membership tab.
  • 2. By scrolling to the bottom of the homepage and selecting the Cancel Subscription option.
  • 3. By clicking “Delete My Account” in the Membership section of your account.
  • 4. By emailing our support team at
  • 5. By calling our customer service team at (855) 940-2913 .

Once your cancellation is confirmed, you will not be charged for any future billing cycles.

Refund Requests & Processing

Refunds are granted under the following conditions:

  • First-time subscribers (Trial plan) may request a full refund within 3 days of the initial subscription charge.
  • Refunds for renewal charges (Monthly subscription plan) are not guaranteed and will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Requests must be made within 3 days of the renewal charge.
  • No refunds will be issued for partially used months, unless due to billing errors.

All refund requests will be processed within 3-4 business days and returned to the original payment method used. In case of failure of refunds to the source account, we will process the refunds to your PayPal account registered on the account or provided by you over registered email ID or phone.

Impact of Cancellation on Your Account

  • If you cancel your subscription, you will lose access to all premium features and benefits.
  • Any pending rewards or rebates earned after the cancellation date may expire if your account does not remain active.
  • If you do not maintain an active account, unused rewards or credits will expire after one (1) year of inactivity.

Third-Party Cancellation Requests does not accept cancellation or refund requests from third-party services, including subscription cancellation or bill negotiation services. To protect your account security, all cancellation requests must be made directly by the account holder.

If you are an authorized agent or have power of attorney for a subscriber, you must provide appropriate documentation verifying your authority. Requests must be sent to along with proof of authorization. Additionally, any mailed requests must include a wet ink signature from the account holder.

For further assistance, please contact our support team at or call (855) 940-2913.